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Halny - madness inducing wind from Poland


Games People Play
In my country's mountains there is sometimes special wind called "halny". It is not only very strong (trees-uprooting- strong) but it has bizarre influence on psychological health. It is not like local population change into bloodthirsty mindless zombies - but always when halny howls there is increase in depression (including suicides), aggresion (including crime rate) and general illness. And this is not some urban legend - it is scientifically researched fact that changes in atmospheric pressure and electromagnetic field caused by halny have influence on nervous systems of living beings. Carpathia mountains generally have quite "bad opinion" in fiction (they are considered place where vampires, witches and demons dwell etc.) but when I am thinking about it, nobody used halny as element of horror.


Staff member
I'm guessing there might be a chemical of some kind in the wind that's causing the mental issues.