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Similarities between religion and the pandemic


Sanctuary legend
In religion:

  • There is a sickness within you that cannot be cured, except through the church. Original sin.
  • You are doomed unless you do what the church tells you.
  • Questioning the church is blasphemy and is forbidden.
  • No matter how much you repent, you will never be fully clean from sin.
  • Use of useless rituals to show your devotion, like wearing a cross
  • The church keeps predicting the end of the world, but it never happens

In a pandemic:
  • You are assumed sick until proven healthy, and if you ARE proven healthy, that only lasts for a day or two
  • You are doomed unless you take the vaccine. No other treatment works, nor does your natural immune system.
  • Questioning the vaccine or the doctors that preach them is grounds from getting banned off the internet, or worse.
  • No matter how many vaccines you get, you will never be safe.
  • Use of useless masks (or more ridiculous improvised things) that do nothing but make you feel safe.
  • Goverments keep predicting the end of the pandemic, but it never happens. They keep lowering the effectiveness of the vaccines.


Arch Disciple
Sanctuary legend
Within the Woke:

  • You are inherently racist/sexist/etc no matter what, but admitting it makes you good
  • You are a bigot, unless you're woke
  • Questioning the wokeness is evil and taboo
  • No matter how much you own your bias, you will never be fully clean from internalized bias
  • Use of useless rituals to show your devotion, like pride parades, virtue signalling, cancelling, etc
  • The woke keeps predicting the end of the world, but it never happens

In climate agenda:
  • The Earth is assumed sick until proven clean, and if it is proven clean, that only lasts for a year or two
  • The Earth is doomed unless Co2 is removed. No other treatment works, nor does Earth's natural balance system
  • Questioning climate change or the activists that preach it is grounds for getting cancelled
  • No matter how much Co2 tax is instituted, the Earth will never be safe
  • Use of useless policies and taxes that do nothing but make people feel good about themselves
  • NGO's keep predicting the end of the world, but it never happens. They keep extending the doomsday-day.