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The Problems with Lemmy


Staff member
After seeing Mental Outlaw talk about this, I wanna give a bit of a reality check to everyone who is hyping up this damn site. And don't worry, I'm gonna make this short and sweet.

1. It has a VOTING SYSTEM. :) Yes, we all love voting systems here now... Don't we. Absolutely fucking love them. And to my knowledge, you can't disable it without altering the code! :) Yeeeep. That's just good stuff. Just amazing. Fucking shoot me.

2. The overall system is too complicated and too spread out. Reddit has only one "layer" of variation. You go to the site, and the site has sub-reddits or sub-forums that users can create and join. Simple as that. With Lemmy though, there's another two layers on top of that layer of variation. Everyone has their special snowflake servers (or instances) they can now spin up, and now those servers will host sub-forums, and those servers can communicate with each other if they want to. To make things even more complicated, some servers can defederate other servers so as to stop their server from communicating with the server they blocked. Or they may just set a whitelist and only allow a select few servers to connect to them. Most users are just gonna wanna join up, subscribe to some sub-forums, and post. They don't want to think about, "Oh, is this the right server? Do I need to register again? Oh, is it on the blocklist? Maybe I should join another server..."

3. It's a little too redundant to just spinning up your own forum altogether. Running a forum is dead easy to do. Spend a few bucks a month and you're in business. Furthermore, you have TOTAL CONTROL over the site and users don't have to think about anything besides registering. Now, this is kind of a downside. I'll admit registering can be a pain in the ass (this is actually due to email confirmation mostly, I think, but it's also really not a good idea to allow registration without it). But with Lemmy, you may have to do it again anyway depending on a server's configuration. Might as well cut out the middle man.

4. On Lemmy, there are many servers run by many people, and in those servers are even more communities run by even more people, which means there is a MUCH higher probability that one of those server owners or community moderators is a complete twat. With a standard forum, it's much more simple. If you like the singular site team, that's all that matters. You don't need to worry about anything else.

5. I know this isn't important at all in the end, but I still really want to mention that the name is really bad. I mean, c'mon, guys. LEMMY? And yes, I know the lemmings jumping off the cliff thing is a myth, but even so... Holy shit, that name is dumb. Pretty apt though, I'll give it that, since we're following Reddit right off the cliff by forcing a voting system on everyone. :)

EDIT: Drwankingstein brought some more points to my attention as well.

6. Federation with other servers can fail to show old content on new connections.

7. Servers themselves are really hard to run and the UIs for them are all very basic.

8. Sometimes servers just go down and that group is dead for a bit.
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